The John Bell South Ballpark
Home Plate - Home Runs - Big Wins
Where it all began...
John Bell started this historic franchise in the late 1940’s. Playing in the Inter County, Listowel became known as a hot bed for baseball talent. The John Bell South Ballpark was packed, as local fans came out to support their team. Usually playing against much larger centres, Listowel competed and etched its own place on the Southern Ontario baseball map.
Under the Friday Night Lights
The Listowel Legionnaires unite this community, and have reinvented small town baseball as you know it. With the generous financial donations from our sponsors, the Listowel Legionnaires are able to provide free entertainment each and every Friday night, all summer long. Please be our guest, and join Legionnaire's Nation.
Every Friday night, come on out to the diamond and watch the boys play ball. There are always great 50/50 draws happening and beverages and food available over by the Legion. It's a great way to spend a Friday night and support your local team!
485 Royal Street East
Listowel, Ontario
N4W 1L3
The New Jr. Legionnaires
Why have one successful baseball team, when you can have a second team, that is younger, better looking, more athletic, has worse facial hair and are more likely to have their parents actually come watch them play?
With the revival of the Jr. Legionnaires, we are excited to continue the tradition of winning, giving back to the community and creating a fun, family-friendly experience at the ball park.
We look forward to the 2024 season and all the community’s support!
2024 Listowel Junior Legionnaire Roster
Game Schedules
Exhibition - Regular Season - Tournaments
Welcome to the Listowel Legionnaires Shop
Check out what is available online and purchase at the Legionnaire Headquarters.
Legionnaire Hoodie
Black - $99.99 each
Available in store.
Legionnaire T-Shirts
$25.00 each
Dark Grey, Light Grey and Brown.
Legionnaire Jersey's
$99.99 each
White & Grey Available.